Tiffany Rowe’s recent art project revolves around the question of what happens when one observes a stranger – what preconceived ideas, fantasies and images do we project onto that person? Recently, Tiffany observed a lady seated in a restaurant, her short, cropped hair revealing her shoulders and graceful neckline. Tiffany decided to invite her to pose for a series of photos, yet she knew absolutely nothing about her future model. She asked the young woman simply to be seated as she was in the café and to wear a succession of jewellery pieces - each accessory representing a part of the designer’s personality and experiences; thus one of the many perceptions she may have had. Who is she? What does she do? What is she waiting for? Is she scientific, artistic or even fanciful? On looking closely at Tiffany’s jewellery creations we can begin to guess what each one represents - a necklace made with small boxes that initially held microscope glass slides is an allusion to Tiffany’s studies in biology. Jigsaw puzzle pieces and toys are probably references to her childhood, the cloud necklace a hint to Magritte and a surreal art world… Tiffany lets you imagine the rest.

Une femme assise sur un tabouret, seule dans un café, de dos, les cheveux courts et la nuque dégagée. Qui est-elle? Que fait-elle? Qu’est ce qu’elle attend? Autant de questions sans réponses que de fantasmes imaginés et projetés sur ce joli canevas qu’est le dos d’une femme anonyme.

Photographer: Robert Hradil, assistant: Monika Majer, model: Evelyne


_Matterhorn origami
_Style equation
_Animal attraction
_Identité remarquable
_Silent movies
_Nautical but nice
_Silver screen
_Baiser du dragon
_Le temps des cerises
_Black sheep
_Soft focus
_Urban tribal
_Stone therapy
_Hundreds & thousands
_Bubbles and fairy tales
_Poule de luxe
_Rock chic
_Liquorice galuchat
_Jasmin in Soho
_Recto verso
_Indian summer
_Genealogy I, II
_Macarons & sculptures
_Tokyo rose
_Kimono vegetables
_A fleur de peau
Press review

Online boutique

Matterhorn origami

Intriguing geometrical shapes that scintillate and forms that resemble growing crystals... here are the latest crystalline forms that seemingly emerge from the imagination and glitter in the light – this is artist Tiffany Rowe's latest folly. Inspired by a trip to Zermatt and mesmerized by the hauntingly steep slopes of surrounding mountains, she decided to create an equally spell-bounding series of jewellery. Being influenced by her admiration for Japan and its ancient art of folding paper, thus the “Matterhorn Origami” collection sees the day.

Des formes géométriques aux facettes scintillantes qui semblent, tels des cristaux intrigants, évoluer et croître: voici les derniers « bijoux » sortis tout droit de l’imaginaire foisonnant de Tiffany Rowe. Inspirée par une visite à Zermatt et subjuguée par les versants escarpés du célèbre Cervin, l’artiste décide de créer des parures qui évoquent les formes pentues de la montagne. Combinée avec sa fascination pour le Japon et l’art du pliage, voici donc la création de « Matterhorn Origami ».

Photographer: Olivier Borgognon

Model: Christelle Burrus

Copyright © crea-tiff by Tiffany Rowe. All rights reserved.